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Apr 16th, 2010 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

She sat in a corner of darkness, showing her back to the world. When confronted, her words drove stakes through the hearts of every remaining friendship. She clung to her timeworn memories until they crumbled about her in indecipherable fragments.

On occasion, for no apparent reason, she would laugh pathologically.

Every day of her life was a ritual of punishment. She obsessively opened and closed a refrigerator as empty as her existence. Her soul was dead.

For the rest of her life, if life you could call it, she would never forgive her roommate for drinking the last Miller Lite.

Quitting The Grave Cover ThumbPlease support the site by purchasing one of my books on Amazon. Check out Quitting The Grave, a murder mystery set on the Oregon Trail. Plus, don't forget my other books: They Both Loved Vonnegut, Ahab's Adventures in Wonderland, and Picasso Painted Dinosaurs.