
Mar 5th, 2013 by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

I’m in a hurry so this story needs to be fast, because in the twenty-three years I’ve worked as a city bus driver, I’ve never been late, not counting of course the day my wife went into labor, but this morning as I was leaving the station a little girl was standing in front of the bus–I figured she was probably ten years old, and that would have been how old…well you can’t expect me to talk about that–forcing me to slam on the brakes and I was certain I’d run her over but when I hurried round to the front she was unharmed, though she was crying pretty hard and said that she was lost and needed my help so I followed her across the street to the city park, down a path I can’t remember ever having seen before into a place that was dark with ancient trees and cold and I was starting to get worried but she said this was the way home and she couldn’t get there by herself, so I took her by the hand and we walked together and even though she said she’d never been here before she was the one leading me through the darkness until we finally came to a warm, bright clearing where she stopped and said goodbye and I didn’t want to leave but she said that I had to go back and drive the bus and finally she told me her name was Hannah and that’s when I understood and today was the first day I’ve cried in ten years and now that I think about it I don’t really mind if for once I’m late to work.

Here’s another one sentence story. Enjoy!

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