The Definition Of Cool

cool |ko ol| fashionably attractive or impressive: I always wear sunglasses to look cool. • excellent: [ as exclamation ] : A computer you didn’t even have to plug in. Cool! • used to express acceptance or agreement: If people want to freak out at our clubs, that’s cool. This work by @thebeautythatstillremains is licensed …

The Crying Wall

I had a dream about a crying wall. I don’t know why the wall was crying; perhaps for some long forgotten holocaust, or because it had been ill-treated during its construction. Whatever the reason, the wall couldn’t stop crying. And I couldn’t help thinking that it was a major bummer to be around that wall. …

Winter In The Park

Every fall, we must watch as nature commits ritual suicide, killing off all life in preparation for winter. We are supposed to be comforted by the fact that the temporary death will be superseded by the rebirth of spring. But as probability scientists are always telling us, past outcomes do not have any influence on …

The Colors Of Autumn

Every season has a color associated with it. Winter is white. Spring is green. Summer is yellow. But autumn can’t be encapsulated in just one color. Autumn is the explosion of color jumbled together in disarray. Autumn is red and brown and yellow and orange, with a hint of the blue that’s to come. Autumn …

The Red Doors

As important as sight is–it’s the most relied upon of the senses–it’s what we can’t see that truly holds power over us. Whether it’s a present wrapped for Christmas, a darkened corridor, or the future yet unwritten, we are constantly held in thrall by the invisible. I think it’s probably because our imagination is always …

Chinese Beauty

Tom Stoppard knew that what went on between scenes was infinitely more interesting than what happened on stage. She is an object of beauty, something to behold, something to cherish. She is allowed no will of her own. But in the changing room, with the eyes removed from her, she sings her true song. This …

Let Go

The Great Wall is magnificent, but it’s easy to overlook the high cost of constructing it. Laborers and slaves hauled up every brick of the wall on their backs. Just one of those stones weighs an average of 70 kilos. So when you are standing on the Great Wall, looking out at the fantastic landscape, …

Tunnel Of Light

We walk through darkness, day and night. We struggle, step by step. We climb, we fall. And when the light shines down on us, whether it lasts for seconds or for years, let us be dancing. This work by @thebeautythatstillremains is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 China Mainland License.

No Smiling Allowed

It would be wrong to call her a narcissist. Narcissus was a flower. Narcissus sought out his reflection. Narcissus not only believed in his own beauty, but was overwhelmed by it. She isn’t a narcissist. She’s just vain. She enjoys her reflection. And why shouldn’t she? She’s more beautiful than you. You know it. She …