Posts Tagged ‘Oranges’


Greek Yogurt

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Have you ever tasted Greek yogurt?

The consistency is so thick, and the taste is so bland.

It comes in 2% reduced fat, 1% reduced fat, and fat-free.

Add to it your favorite fruit or other sweet toppings, you’ll be surprised how delicious it will be.

Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges, or even dark chocolate chips.

Finish it off with granola to give it some crunch and some honey to give it some sweetness.

Yum, delicious.

Greek yogurt is that simple yogurt that tastes bland until you add delicious toppings to it.

Give Greek yogurt a try; you might like it.

From Guest Contributor Hope Scippio

Hope is a published author, as well as a student of journalism, graphic design, and broadcasting at Pikes Peak State College.


The Invisible Man

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Henry was an old man. In the last ten, maybe twenty years, he realized that he had grown invisible. When shopping, picking a loaf of bread off the shelf, or choosing a couple of oranges at the produce counter, young people would pass by, almost brushing into him, but not making eye contact or offering a greeting. At the front entrance of the post office, an attractive young lady appeared, face to face at the large, double doors. She stared straight ahead, not changing her expression. She looked through the old man as if he was glass in the door.

From Guest Contributor, Thomas Pitre