Posts Tagged ‘Curls’


To Have A Dress Made

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

He gently whispered in my ear: turn yourself around. Then he measured my waist with the corner of one eye. He said: “You are beautiful, my true!” You look like Venus coming of the foam with golden curls. I shall make you a dress that floats in the Sun. I shall make you an evening gown for your prince, The One. I shall dress you in purple and stick silver hairpins in your kirtle. I shall give you a mantle, and dress you in white. I shall draw stars upon you, your nails are painted, but you still walk naked.

From Guest Contributor Svetla Vasileva


Self Help

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

Whenever he did curls on the bench, he had to resist the urge to look at himself in the mirror. He was always disappointed.

Everything he tried, varying his routine, increasing his dosages, upping his protein intake, failed to have the desired results. He’d even cut back his work hours because being here was more important.

Barbara didn’t understand. His parents didn’t understand. His professors definitely didn’t understand.

Every second of his existence was a battle against his oxidizing cells as they gradually lost the ability to replicate.

The gym was not an addiction. It was a fight against oblivion.


An Invitation

by thegooddoctor in 100 Words

As Tom flipped through his mail, he hesitated when he came to a thick parchment envelope, intricately addressed with gold trim. This was certainly not a bill.

Breaking open the wax seal, Tom pulled forth a hand-inked letter in an elegant cursive, with the type of curls that indicated a tremendous sense of self-worth.

“Dear Thomas Pendergraph,” the letter began, “Your presence is requested in the royal palace on the fifth of December…”

Tom scanned to the bottom of the correspondence. It was signed by the Emperor.

He tossed the letter into the trash bin with the other junk mail.